Olio Poderi Marini

Collimarini Passito

Olive groves location: The olive groves alternate between secular ones (more than 300 years) and a new generation on the gentle hills of Sybaris in the municipalities of San Demetrio Corone and Corigliano Calabro

Olive groves altitude: The olive groves extend in an area varying between 200 and 400 meters a.s.l.

Pruning: Mostly polyconic vase system

Olive varieties used : 50% Dolce di Rossano, 15% Carolea, 10% Roggianella, 25% other cultivar.

Olive harvesting Period: October-December, according to the cultivars

State of maturity at harvest: Beginning veraison (change of color)

Harvesting method: Shaking method and traditional method by hand

Pressing method: Latest continuous cycle AlfaLaval with NC

Average acidity: 0,2-0,3% circa.

Average peroxides: 8-12 mg.

Type of packaging available: 0,50 lt; 5,00 lt.

Organic Certification: ICEA – Istituto per la Certificazione Etica ed Ambientale – Bologna

Data scheet

Tasting notes

Oil Color: Yellow with green reflections.

Oil fragrance: Fruity fragrance.

Oil flavor: Delicate flavor, with hints of almond, radish and hay.